EFNNMAThe European Forum of National Nursing and Midwifery Associations (EFNNMA) is the voice of nursing and midwifery within WHO European Region.Working in partnership and strategically with WHO and other key stakeholders we aim to influence health policy, improve the quality of health services and the health of people across the 53 Member States of the Region. We are passionate advocates of the central and unique contribution that Nurses and Midwives make to individual and population health and well-being across Europe and are committed to ensuring both professions are supported to deliver excellence in their practice. As the nature of care changes we believe that strengthening and developing the nursing and midwifery workforce through the provision of lifelong learning and research delivers excellence in public health and people-centered healthcare.

EFNNMA – how to become a member

EFNNMA collaboration with WHO

Nursing Now

Nurses and midwives: a vital resource for health - Technical briefing, WHO 64th Regional Committee Meeting, 17 September 2014


21 st EFNNMA Annual meeting, Athens, October 3-4, 2018

21 st EFNNMA Annual meeting, Athens, October 3-4, 2018

2018 WHO Euro, CNOs, EFNNMA and Collaborating centers meeting in Athens, Greece on October 3-4, 2018

In spite of the busy schedules the meeting was highly attended by both representatives of the associations and CNOs as well as Collaborating centers. 30 delegates of EFNNMA met on the morning of October 3 to discuss primarily the business issues of the organization. Chair, vice-chair and treasurer presented the reports outlining the tasks completed by the EFNNMA following the meeting in Berlin on March 2017. Members supported the idea of high EFNNMA involvement in WHO activities and increased SC representation at WHO RC sessions in order to provide a stronger input into policy documents and discussions.
The event was guided by 3 overarching themes, in line with the recent high-level meeting in Tallinn “Health systems for prosperity and solidarity: leaving no one behind”: include; innovate; invest.
The meeting and discussions were especially timely, as this year WHO celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Vienna Declaration on Nursing in the era for health for all, with nurses acting as partners in decision-making on health planning and playing a greater role in empowering individuals, families and communities to take charge of their own health.
The meeting started with discussion of the regional and global context in relation to nursing and midwifery and continued with the issue of inclusiveness and the midwives’ and nurse’s role in providing improved access to care in a variety of health issues, from pregnancy up to TB treatment, emergency care and pain management were discussed.  The day ended with a group work which allowed participants to learn more about national realities of advancing the nurses and midwives roles.
Next day started with the topic of innovations where speakers presented great examples of new technologies in education and practice, such as simulation training, digital technologies and tools, special projects for Public health nurses supportive of their role in preventing child abuse, and for all health professionals on health promotion, disease prevention and patient care.
The third topic of investments allowed to discuss the latest data on nurses and midwives input in patient outcomes, the strong relation of safety and quality with staffing levels, new staffing policies implemented in Ireland, cases of increased investments in health personnel in countries and from a global prospective.
Round table discussions allowed participants to develop the goals which are to be achieved by 2020. As participants of this event were immediately informed about the decision made by WHO Director General to lead 2020 as a year of nursing, all countries of the region were highly motivated to achieve the highest possible progress in strengthening nursing and midwifery.
Closing the meeting, EFNNMA and all participants warmly thanked Dr Galina Perfilieva for many years of support and close collaboration which allowed to greatly increase nurses and midwives influence over WHO policies and involvement into WHO activities and welcomed Gabrielle Jacob as a new Program manager on Human resources for Health who took the post prior to the meeting in September. From now on EFNNMA is to develop new ideas for continued joint work for 2019 and 2020. One of the decisions which has been already made was to focus on 2020 as the year of highest importance for the region when WHO and EFNNMA will jointly organize their meeting and EFNNMA Annual meeting and the year 2019 will be mainly devoted to increased representation of EFNNMA in numerous political events in the region and consequently will not organize its own session in 2019.  
The final report of the meeting in Athens will be prepared and distributed among all the EFNNMA members. 

Meeting documentation
Scope and Purpose of the meeting
English, Pdf
Russian, Pdf
Program of the meeting
Eglish, Pdf
Russia, Pdf
EFNNMA Chair welcoming, Eng, Pdf
EFNNMA Chair report, English, Pdf
Link to professional images
English, Pdf
Russian, Pdf

